Thursday, December 29, 2011

This is It

So here I am - facing a new year and wanting to embark on one of the most typical New Year's resolutions: losing weight. The problem is that I am over 45, a woman who has given birth more than once, and am a MS patient in a wheelchair. Could I have any more strikes against me to lose weight?! To top it off, I live in an assisted living facility where fresh fruits and vegetables somehow rarely make it to our plates (go figure!) But I have decided that despite these obstacles, and the fact that I currently weigh over 300 pounds, I am now going to get into perhaps the best shape of my adult life.

I found some good exercises for people in wheelchairs, and have resolved to limit (NOT abstain from!) sweets - especially late night snacking. And drink more water! Water is so key to losing weight. I'm not sure if this is a good thing to admit in a blog where I'm talking about getting into shape but there have been two times in my life where I lost 100+ pounds!! The main components are exercise and water, so since exercise is a bit limited now I need to concentrate on drinking lots and lots of water.

This morning I was reading the scriptures, aching for some divine inspiration to get healthy again. As a Mormon, the most obvious scripture is the Word of Wisdom, section 89 in the Doctrine and Covenants, famous for prohibiting tobacco, alcohol, tea & coffee.... but we often forget how it encourages us to eat whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables in season. I really need to concentrate on putting healthy food into my body, not just keeping the junky stuff out. :-)

There are so many aspects in my life that are out of my control, and I know that food can be a huge source of comfort for me. So here is another obstacle: how do I use food as comfort - but in a healthy way? Join me for this journey!!